An Echo Example

This example illustrates that Python data types are preserved when they are passed from the Echo64 client to the Echo32 server and back. The Echo32 server just returns a tuple of the (args, kwargs) that it received back to the Echo64 client.

Create an Echo64 object

>>> from msl.examples.loadlib import Echo64
>>> echo = Echo64()

send a boolean as an argument, see send_data()

>>> echo.send_data(True)
((True,), {})

send a boolean as a keyword argument

>>> echo.send_data(boolean=True)
((), {'boolean': True})

send multiple data types as arguments and as keyword arguments

>>> echo.send_data(1.2, {'my_list':[1, 2, 3]}, 0.2j, range(10), x=True, y='hello world!')
((1.2, {'my_list': [1, 2, 3]}, 0.2j, range(0, 10)), {'x': True, 'y': 'hello world!'})

Shutdown the 32-bit server when you are done

>>> stdout, stderr = echo.shutdown_server32()