msl.examples.loadlib.echo32 module

An example of a 32-bit echo server.

Example of a server that is executed by a 32-bit Python interpreter that receives requests from the corresponding echo64 module which can be run by a 64-bit Python interpreter.

Echo32 is the 32-bit server class and Echo64 is the 64-bit client class. These echo classes do not actually communicate with a shared library. The point of these echo classes is to show that a Python data type in a 64-bit process appears as the same data type in the 32-bit process and vice versa.

class msl.examples.loadlib.echo32.Echo32(host, port, **kwargs)

Bases: Server32

Example of a server class that illustrates that Python data types are preserved when they are sent from the Echo64 client to the server.

  • host (str) – The IP address (or hostname) to use for the server.

  • port (int) – The port to open for the server.

  • kwargs (str) – Optional keyword arguments. The keys and values are of type str.

static received_data(*args, **kwargs)

Process a request from the send_data() method from the 64-bit client.

  • args (Any) – The arguments.

  • kwargs (Any) – The keyword arguments.


The args and kwargs that were received.

Return type:

tuple[tuple[Any, …], dict[Any, Any]]