Load a 32-bit __stdcall library in 64-bit Python

This example shows how to access the 32-bit Windows kernel32 library from 64-bit Python. Kernel32 is the 32-bit server and Kernel64 is the 64-bit client.

Create a Kernel64 client to communicate with the 32-bit kernel32 library

>>> from msl.examples.loadlib import Kernel64
>>> k = Kernel64()
>>> k.lib32_path

Call the library to get the current date and time, see get_local_time()

>>> k.get_local_time()  
datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 21, 15, 29, 8, 482000)

Shutdown the 32-bit server when you are done communicating with the 32-bit library

>>> stdout, stderr = k.shutdown_server32()