Load a 32-bit .NET library in 64-bit Python

This example shows how to access a 32-bit .NET library from 64-bit Python. DotNet32 is the 32-bit server and DotNet64 is the 64-bit client. The source code of the C# program is available here.


If you have issues running the example please make sure that you have the prerequisites installed for your operating system.


The JetBrains dotPeek program can be used to decompile a .NET assembly into the equivalent source code. For example, peeking inside the dotnet_lib32.dll library, that the DotNet32 class is a wrapper around, gives


Create a DotNet64 client to communicate with the 32-bit dotnet_lib32.dll library

>>> from msl.examples.loadlib import DotNet64
>>> dn = DotNet64()

Get the names of the classes in the .NET library module, see get_class_names()

>>> dn.get_class_names()
['StringManipulation', 'StaticClass', 'DotNetMSL.BasicMath', 'DotNetMSL.ArrayManipulation']

Add two integers, see add_integers()

>>> dn.add_integers(8, 2)

Divide two C# floating-point numbers, see divide_floats()

>>> dn.divide_floats(3., 2.)

Multiple two C# double-precision numbers, see multiply_doubles()

>>> dn.multiply_doubles(872.24, 525.525)

Add or subtract two C# double-precision numbers, see add_or_subtract()

>>> dn.add_or_subtract(99., 9., True)
>>> dn.add_or_subtract(99., 9., False)

Multiply a 1D array by a number, see scalar_multiply()

>>> a = [float(val) for val in range(10)]
>>> a
[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
>>> dn.scalar_multiply(2.0, a)
[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0]

Multiply two matrices, see multiply_matrices()

>>> m1 = [[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]
>>> m2 = [[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]]
>>> dn.multiply_matrices(m1, m2)
[[22.0, 28.0], [49.0, 64.0]]

Reverse a string, see reverse_string()

>>> dn.reverse_string('New Zealand')
'dnalaeZ weN'

Call the static methods in the StaticClass class

>>> dn.add_multiple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
>>> dn.concatenate('the ', 'experiment ', 'worked ', False, 'temporarily')
'the experiment worked '
>>> dn.concatenate('the ', 'experiment ', 'worked ', True, 'temporarily')
'the experiment worked temporarily'

Shutdown the 32-bit server when you are done communicating with the 32-bit library

>>> stdout, stderr = dn.shutdown_server32()