Re-freezing the 32-bit server

If you want to make your own 32-bit server you will need

  1. a 32-bit version of Python 2.7 or 3.5+ (whatever version you want)

  2. PyInstaller

Using pip from the 32-bit Python interpreter run

pip install msl-loadlib pyinstaller


If you want to include additional packages, for example, pythonnet, comtypes, numpy, etc. run

pip install pythonnet comtypes numpy

You have two options to create the 32-bit server

  1. Using the API

  2. Using the CLI

and you have two options to use the newly-created server

1. Copy the server32-* file to the ../site-packages/msl/loadlib directory where you have MSL-LoadLib installed in your 64-bit version of Python to replace the existing server file.

2. Specify the directory where the server32-* file is located as the value of the server32_dir keyword argument in Client64.

Using the API

Launch an Interactive Console using the 32-bit Python interpreter


and enter

>>> from msl.loadlib import freeze_server32
>>> freeze_server32.main()  
... PyInstaller logging messages ...
Server saved to ...

Specify the appropriate keyword arguments to the main() function.

Using the CLI

In this example, the GitHub repository is cloned and the server is created from the command line. Make sure that invoking python on your terminal uses the 32-bit Python interpreter or specify the full path to the 32-bit Python interpreter that you want to use.

git clone
cd msl-loadlib/msl/loadlib

To see the help for the module run

python --help

For example, if you wanted to bypass the error that pythonnet is not installed run

python --ignore-pythonnet