Source code for msl.loadlib.freeze_server32

Creates a 32-bit server to use for
`inter-process communication <>`_.

This module must be run from a 32-bit Python interpreter with PyInstaller_ installed.

If you want to re-freeze the 32-bit server, for example, if you want a 32-bit version of
:mod:`numpy` to be available on the server, then run the following with a 32-bit Python
interpreter that has the packages that you want to be available on the server installed

.. code-block:: pycon

   >>> from msl.loadlib import freeze_server32
   >>> freeze_server32.main()  # doctest: +SKIP

.. _PyInstaller:
.. _Python for .NET:
.. _comtypes:
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:  # then Python 2
    from urllib import urlopen

    from msl import loadlib
except ImportError:
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')))
    from msl import loadlib

[docs]def main(spec=None, requires_pythonnet=True, requires_comtypes=True, dest=None): """Creates a 32-bit Python server. Uses PyInstaller_ to create a frozen 32-bit Python executable. This executable starts a 32-bit server, :class:`~.server32.Server32`, which hosts a Python module that can load a 32-bit library. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 Added the `requires_pythonnet` and `requires_comtypes` arguments. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 Added the `dest` argument. Parameters ---------- spec : :class:`str`, optional The path to a PyInstaller_ .spec file to use to create the frozen 32-bit server. requires_pythonnet : :class:`bool`, optional Whether `Python for .NET`_ must be available on the frozen 32-bit server. This argument is ignored for a non-Windows operating system. requires_comtypes : :class:`bool`, optional Whether comtypes_ must be available on the frozen 32-bit server. This argument is ignored for a non-Windows operating system. dest : :class:`str`, optional The destination directory to save the server to. """ if loadlib.IS_PYTHON_64BIT: print('Must run {} using a 32-bit Python interpreter'.format(os.path.basename(__file__))) return missing_packages = [] try: import PyInstaller except ImportError: missing_packages.append('pyinstaller') if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS and requires_pythonnet: try: import clr except ImportError: missing_packages.append('pythonnet') if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS and requires_comtypes: try: import comtypes except ImportError: missing_packages.append('comtypes') except OSError: # OSError: [WinError -2147417850] Cannot change thread mode after it is set # don't care about this error since comtypes is indeed installed pass if missing_packages: print('Packages are missing to be able to create the 32-bit server, run:') print('pip install ' + ' '.join(missing_packages)) return here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if dest is not None: dist_path = os.path.abspath(dest) else: dist_path = os.getcwd() work_path = './tmp-mslloadlibfreezing' if os.path.isdir(work_path): shutil.rmtree(work_path) os.mkdir(work_path) # Specifically invoke pyinstaller in the context of the current python interpreter. # This fixes the issue where the blind `pyinstaller` invocation points to a 64-bit version. cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'PyInstaller', '--distpath', dist_path, '--workpath', work_path, '--python-option', 'u', '--noconfirm', '--clean'] if spec is None: cmd.extend(['--specpath', work_path]) if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS: cmd.extend(['--version-file', _create_version_info_file(work_path)]) cmd.extend([ '--name', loadlib.SERVER_FILENAME, '--onefile', '--hidden-import', 'msl.examples.loadlib', ]) if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS and requires_pythonnet: cmd.extend(['--hidden-import', 'clr']) if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS and requires_comtypes: cmd.extend(['--hidden-import', 'comtypes']) cmd.extend(_get_standard_modules()) cmd.append(os.path.join(here, '')) else: cmd.append(spec) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # cleanup shutil.rmtree(work_path) # create the .NET Framework config file loadlib.utils.check_dot_net_config(os.path.join(dist_path, loadlib.SERVER_FILENAME)) print('Server saved to ' + os.path.join(dist_path, loadlib.SERVER_FILENAME))
def _get_standard_modules(): """ Returns a list of standard python modules to include and exclude in the frozen application. PyInstaller does not automatically bundle all the standard Python modules into the frozen application. This method parses the '' website for the list of standard Python modules that are available. The 'pyinstaller --exclude-module' option ensures that the module is excluded from the frozen application. The 'pyinstaller --hidden-import' option ensures that the module is included into the frozen application (only if the module is available for the operating system that is running this script). Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` A list of modules to be included and excluded. """ # the frozen application is not meant to create GUIs or to add # support for building and installing Python modules ignore_list = ['__main__', 'distutils', 'ensurepip', 'idlelib', 'lib2to3' 'test', 'tkinter', 'turtle'] # some modules are platform specific and got a # RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded # when running this script with PyInstaller 3.3 installed if loadlib.IS_WINDOWS: os_ignore_list = ['(Unix)', '(Linux)', '(Linux, FreeBSD)'] elif loadlib.IS_LINUX: os_ignore_list = ['(Windows)'] elif loadlib.IS_MAC: os_ignore_list = ['(Windows)', '(Linux)', '(Linux, FreeBSD)'] else: os_ignore_list = [] modules = [] url = '{0}.{1}/py-modindex.html'.format(*sys.version_info) for s in urlopen(url).read().decode().split('#module-')[1:]: m = s.split('"><code') add_module = True for x in os_ignore_list: if x in m[1]: ignore_list.append(m[0]) add_module = False break if add_module: modules.append(m[0]) included_modules, excluded_modules = [], [] for module in modules: include_module = True for mod in ignore_list: if module.startswith(mod): excluded_modules.extend(['--exclude-module', module]) include_module = False break if include_module: included_modules.extend(['--hidden-import', module]) return included_modules + excluded_modules def _create_version_info_file(root_path): text = """# UTF-8 # # For more details about fixed file info 'ffi' see: # # For language and charset parameters see: # VSVersionInfo( ffi=FixedFileInfo( filevers=({loadlib_major}, {loadlib_minor}, {loadlib_micro}, 0), prodvers=({py_major}, {py_minor}, {py_micro}, 0), mask=0x3f, flags=0x0, OS=0x40004, fileType=0x1, subtype=0x0, date=(0, 0) ), kids=[ StringFileInfo( [ StringTable( '000004B0', [StringStruct('CompanyName', '{author}'), StringStruct('FileDescription', 'Access a 32-bit library from 64-bit Python'), StringStruct('FileVersion', '{loadlib_major}.{loadlib_minor}.{loadlib_micro}.0'), StringStruct('InternalName', '{filename}'), StringStruct('LegalCopyright', '\xc2{copyright}'), StringStruct('OriginalFilename', '{filename}'), StringStruct('ProductName', 'Python'), StringStruct('ProductVersion', '{py_major}.{py_minor}.{py_micro}.0')]) ]), VarFileInfo([VarStruct('Translation', [0, 1200])]) ] ) """.format( loadlib_major=loadlib.version_info.major, loadlib_minor=loadlib.version_info.minor, loadlib_micro=loadlib.version_info.micro, py_major=sys.version_info.major, py_minor=sys.version_info.minor, py_micro=sys.version_info.micro, filename=loadlib.SERVER_FILENAME, copyright=loadlib.__copyright__, author=loadlib.__author__, ) filename = 'file_version_info.txt' with open(os.path.join(root_path, filename), mode='wt') as fp: fp.write(text) return filename if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create the frozen 32-bit server.') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--spec', help='the PyInstaller spec file to use' ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dest', help='the destination directory to save the server to' ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-pythonnet', action='store_true', default=False, help='ignore the error that pythonnet is not installed' ) parser.add_argument( '--ignore-comtypes', action='store_true', default=False, help='ignore the error that comtypes is not installed' ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit( main( spec=args.spec, requires_pythonnet=not args.ignore_pythonnet, requires_comtypes=not args.ignore_comtypes, dest=args.dest, ) )