Source code for msl.examples.loadlib.kernel32

A wrapper around the 32-bit Windows `kernel32.dll
<>`_ library.

Example of a server that loads a 32-bit Windows library, `kernel32.dll <kernel_>`_,
in a 32-bit Python interpreter to host the library. The corresponding :mod:`~.kernel64`
module can be executed by a 64-bit Python interpreter and the :class:`~.kernel64.Kernel64`
class can send a request to the :class:`~.kernel32.Kernel32` class which calls the 32-bit
library to execute the request and then return the response from the library.

:class:`~.kernel32.Kernel32` is the 32-bit server and :class:`~.kernel64.Kernel64`
is the 64-bit client for `inter-process communication <ipc_>`_.

.. note::
   The `kernel32.dll <kernel_>`_ library is a standard Windows library and therefore
   this example is only valid on a Windows computer.

.. _ipc:
.. _kernel:
import ctypes
import datetime

from msl.loadlib import Server32

[docs]class Kernel32(Server32): def __init__(self, host, port, **kwargs): """ Example of a class that is a wrapper around the Windows 32-bit `kernel32.dll <>`_ library. Parameters ---------- host : :class:`str` The IP address of the server. port : :class:`int` The port to open on the server. Note ---- Any class that is a subclass of :class:`~msl.loadlib.server32.Server32` **MUST** provide two arguments in its constructor: `host` and `port` (in that order) and `**kwargs`. Otherwise the ``server32`` executable, see :class:`~msl.loadlib.start_server32`, cannot create an instance of the :class:`~msl.loadlib.server32.Server32` subclass. """ super(Kernel32, self).__init__('C:/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll', 'windll', host, port)
[docs] def get_time(self): """ Calls the `kernel32.GetLocalTime <>`_ function to get the current date and time. See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.kernel64.Kernel64.get_local_time` method. Returns ------- :class:`~datetime.datetime` The current date and time. """ st = SystemTime() self.lib.GetLocalTime(ctypes.pointer(st)) return datetime.datetime(st.wYear, month=st.wMonth, day=st.wDay, hour=st.wHour, minute=st.wMinute, second=st.wSecond, microsecond=st.wMilliseconds * 1000)
[docs]class SystemTime(ctypes.Structure): """Example of creating a :class:`ctypes.Structure`. See SYSTEMTIME_ for a description of the struct. .. _SYSTEMTIME: """ WORD = ctypes.c_uint16 _fields_ = [('wYear', WORD), ('wMonth', WORD), ('wDayOfWeek', WORD), ('wDay', WORD), ('wHour', WORD), ('wMinute', WORD), ('wSecond', WORD), ('wMilliseconds', WORD)]