Source code for msl.examples.loadlib.dotnet32

A wrapper around a 32-bit .NET library, :ref:`dotnet_lib32 <dotnet-lib>`.

Example of a server that loads a 32-bit .NET library, :ref:`dotnet_lib32.dll <dotnet-lib>`
in a 32-bit Python interpreter to host the library. The corresponding :mod:`~.dotnet64`
module can be executed by a 64-bit Python interpreter and the :class:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64`
class can send a request to the :class:`~.dotnet32.DotNet32` class which calls the
32-bit library to execute the request and then return the response from the library.
import os

from msl.loadlib import Server32

[docs]class DotNet32(Server32): def __init__(self, host, port, **kwargs): """ Example of a class that is a wrapper around a 32-bit .NET Framework library, :ref:`dotnet_lib32.dll <dotnet-lib>`. `Python for .NET <>`_ can handle many native Python data types as input arguments. Parameters ---------- host : :class:`str` The IP address of the server. port : :class:`int` The port to open on the server. Note ---- Any class that is a subclass of :class:`~msl.loadlib.server32.Server32` **MUST** provide two arguments in its constructor: `host` and `port` (in that order) and `**kwargs`. Otherwise the ``server32`` executable, see :class:`~msl.loadlib.start_server32`, cannot create an instance of the :class:`~msl.loadlib.server32.Server32` subclass. """ super(DotNet32, self).__init__(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dotnet_lib32.dll'), 'net', host, port) self.BasicMath = self.lib.DotNetMSL.BasicMath() self.ArrayManipulation = self.lib.DotNetMSL.ArrayManipulation()
[docs] def get_class_names(self): """Returns the class names in the library. See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.get_class_names` method. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` The names of the classes that are available in :ref:`dotnet_lib32.dll <dotnet-lib>`. """ return ';'.join(str(name) for name in self.assembly.GetTypes()).split(';')
[docs] def add_integers(self, a, b): """Add two integers. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public int add_integers(int a, int b) { return a + b; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.add_integers` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`int` The first integer. b : :class:`int` The second integer. Returns ------- :class:`int` The sum of `a` and `b`. """ return self.BasicMath.add_integers(a, b)
[docs] def divide_floats(self, a, b): """Divide two C# floating-point numbers. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public float divide_floats(float a, float b) { return a / b; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.divide_floats` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The first number. b : :class:`float` The second number. Returns ------- :class:`float`: The quotient of `a` / `b`. """ return self.BasicMath.divide_floats(a, b)
[docs] def multiply_doubles(self, a, b): """Multiply two C# double-precision numbers. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public double multiply_doubles(double a, double b) { return a * b; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.multiply_doubles` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The first number. b : :class:`float` The second number. Returns ------- :class:`float` The product of `a` * `b`. """ return self.BasicMath.multiply_doubles(a, b)
[docs] def add_or_subtract(self, a, b, do_addition): """Add or subtract two C# double-precision numbers. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public double add_or_subtract(double a, double b, bool do_addition) { if (do_addition) { return a + b; } else { return a - b; } } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.add_or_subtract` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The first double-precision number. b : :class:`float` The second double-precision number. do_addition : :class:`bool` Whether to **add** the numbers. Returns ------- :class:`float` Either `a` + `b` if `do_addition` is :data:`True` else `a` - `b`. """ return self.BasicMath.add_or_subtract(a, b, do_addition)
[docs] def scalar_multiply(self, a, xin): """Multiply each element in an array by a number. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public double[] scalar_multiply(double a, double[] xin) { int n = xin.GetLength(0); double[] xout = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { xout[i] = a * xin[i]; } return xout; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.scalar_multiply` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`float` The scalar value. xin : :class:`list` of :class:`float` The array to modify. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`float` A new array with each element in `xin` multiplied by `a`. """ ret = self.ArrayManipulation.scalar_multiply(a, xin) return [val for val in ret]
[docs] def multiply_matrices(self, a1, a2): """Multiply two matrices. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public double[,] multiply_matrices(double[,] A, double[,] B) { int rA = A.GetLength(0); int cA = A.GetLength(1); int rB = B.GetLength(0); int cB = B.GetLength(1); double temp = 0; double[,] C = new double[rA, cB]; if (cA != rB) { Console.WriteLine("matrices can't be multiplied!"); return new double[0, 0]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < rA; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cB; j++) { temp = 0; for (int k = 0; k < cA; k++) { temp += A[i, k] * B[k, j]; } C[i, j] = temp; } } return C; } } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.multiply_matrices` method. Parameters ---------- a1 : :class:`list` of :class:`list` of :class:`float` The first matrix. a2 : :class:`list` of :class:`list` of :class:`float` The second matrix. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`list` of :class:`float` The result of `a1` * `a2`. """ nrows1 = len(a1) ncols1 = len(a1[0]) nrows2 = len(a2) ncols2 = len(a2[0]) if not ncols1 == nrows2: msg = "Cannot multiply a {}x{} matrix with a {}x{} matrix" raise ValueError(msg.format(nrows1, ncols1, nrows2, ncols2)) m1 = self.lib.System.Array.CreateInstance(self.lib.System.Double, nrows1, ncols1) for r in range(nrows1): for c in range(ncols1): m1[r, c] = a1[r][c] m2 = self.lib.System.Array.CreateInstance(self.lib.System.Double, nrows2, ncols2) for r in range(nrows2): for c in range(ncols2): m2[r, c] = a2[r][c] ret = self.ArrayManipulation.multiply_matrices(m1, m2) return [[ret[r, c] for c in range(ncols2)] for r in range(nrows1)]
[docs] def reverse_string(self, original): """Reverse a string. The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public string reverse_string(string original) { char[] charArray = original.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(charArray); return new string(charArray); } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.reverse_string` method. Parameters ---------- original : :class:`str` The original string. Returns ------- :class:`str` The string reversed. """ return self.lib.StringManipulation().reverse_string(original)
[docs] def add_multiple(self, a, b, c, d, e): """Add multiple integers. *Calls a static method in a static class.* The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public static int add_multiple(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { return a + b + c + d + e; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.add_multiple` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`int` An integer. b : :class:`int` An integer. c : :class:`int` An integer. d : :class:`int` An integer. e : :class:`int` An integer. Returns ------- :class:`int` The sum of the input arguments. """ return self.lib.StaticClass.add_multiple(a, b, c, d, e)
[docs] def concatenate(self, a, b, c, d, e): """Concatenate strings. *Calls a static method in a static class.* The corresponding C# code is .. code-block:: csharp public static string concatenate(string a, string b, string c, bool d, string e) { string res = a + b + c; if (d) { res += e; } return res; } See the corresponding 64-bit :meth:`~.dotnet64.DotNet64.concatenate` method. Parameters ---------- a : :class:`str` A string. b : :class:`str` A string. c : :class:`str` A string. d : :class:`bool` Whether to include `e` in the concatenation. e : :class:`str` A string. Returns ------- :class:`str` The strings concatenated together. """ return self.lib.StaticClass.concatenate(a, b, c, d, e)