msl.loadlib.freeze_server32 module

Create a 32-bit server for inter-process communication.

There is also a command-line utility to create a server.

msl.loadlib.freeze_server32.main(*, spec=None, dest=None, imports=None, data=None, skip_32bit_check=False)

Create a frozen server.

This function should be run using a 32-bit Python interpreter with PyInstaller installed.

Changed in version 0.5: Added the requires_pythonnet and requires_comtypes arguments.

Changed in version 0.10: Added the dest argument.

Changed in version 1.0: Removed the requires_pythonnet and requires_comtypes arguments. Added the imports, data and skip_32bit_check arguments.

  • spec (str | None) – The path to a spec file to use to create the frozen server.

  • dest (str | None) – The destination directory to save the server to. Default is the current directory.

  • imports (str | Iterable[str] | None) – The names of additional modules and packages that must be importable on the server.

  • data (str | Iterable[str] | None) – The path(s) to additional data files, or directories containing data files, to be added to the frozen server. Each value should be in the form source:dest_dir, where :dest_dir is optional. source is the path to a file (or a directory of files) to add. dest_dir is an optional destination directory, relative to the top-level directory of the frozen server, to add the file(s) to. If dest_dir is not specified, the file(s) will be added to the top-level directory of the server.

  • skip_32bit_check (bool) – In the rare situation that you want to create a frozen 64-bit server, you can set this value to True which skips the requirement that a 32-bit version of Python must be used to create the server. Before you create a 64-bit server, decide if Mocking the connection to the server is a better solution for your application.

Return type:



If a value for spec is specified, then imports nor data may be specified.